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You are invited to join our first FREE Video Conference, where I will tell you, among other things:

  • What "live from the Heart" means?
  • How do you live from the Heart?
  • Why live from the Heart?
  • What for live from the Heart?
  • Who is Drunvalo Melchizedek?
  • What is the Mer-ka-ba? And how is activated from the Heart?
  • Why is going to change your life?

This First online Encounter will be held in Spanish, will start with Dana Tir sharing with us her teachings, then we will have time for questions and we will finish with a Guided Meditation.

If you wish to attend the following encounters in english, please let us know, so we can organize a translator (subject to the number of participants in english). 

Thank you.

¿Who is Dana Tir?

Dana Tir is Authorized Facilitator  of Drunvalo Melchizedek School of Remembering, for 13 years, founder of the "School of the Sacred Geometry of the South World, Shamana, EMF Balancing Professional, Psychologist and tireless traveler.

He has shared trips, workshops and events, with Masaru Emoto, Peggy Dubro, Drunvalo Melchizedek and American Indian leaders with whom there is a reciprocity of love and friendship.

Dana Tir will guide us not only in a physical journey, will also guide us spiritually during our trip.

As Shamana and professional in  different techniques, we  will be led by her through meditations and ceremonies with Mother Earth.
More information on her website:

2010 - present

2010 - present

Online Meetings with Dana Tir

Do you want to live from the Heart?

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